Energy Leadership Index (ELI)

Awaken your potential and reshape your world

The ELI is your new favourite assessment to understand more about yourself and why you are the way you are!

Energy Leadership Index

The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed attitudinal assessment tool, created by iPEC, that takes something abstract - the way you experience the world - and turns it into a tangible metric. 

The ELI assessment will help you:

  • Improve your stress reactions, increase your energy and be more effective and inspiring within your organisation;

  • Experience transformations in your relationships, confidence level, and leadership skills;

  • Create collaborative (and fun!) work and family environments;

  • Live your most aligned and authentic life.

For Individuals

Step 1: The assessment

As your iPEC Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), I’ll connect you with the simple online assessment which takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Step 2: The debrief

Once the results are in, I’ll guide you through a 75 minute 1-to-1 ELI debrief session. During this personalised session, we’ll dive deep into your results and uncover a clear path to awaken your potential and create a life in alignment with your work and life goals.

Understandably, when you take an assessment, you want to be able to utilise the results in your life. I’ll debrief your personalised assessment results so you can ask all your questions, and provide you with valuable insights for how to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your career, relationships, and others areas of your life.

What is that life you envision, and what if this is that one step to get you closer to it?

“The ELI helped me confirm patterns blocking me from success.  Now I am using what I have learned to show up authentically and powerfully in my business with increased energy, motivation and productivity .”

Sharon, Business Analyst, Marketing Agency, UK

For Business

Extend the power of ELI with the ELI 360 for Business

The ELI 360 allows your team members to gather feedback from colleagues, managers and clients and other groups from whom feedback is desired on key leadership competencies. The results will help the participant and the whole team understand how their actions are perceived by others, as well as the amount of anabolic and catabolic energy in a person/team’s core energy makeup under both ideal and stressful circumstances.

In an organisation, the shift towards anabolic energy allows people to access creativity and intuition more quickly, rather than resorting to anger, resentment, and other low-level responses that can drain productivity and create conflict and division across teams.  When you are aware of your energy and the energy of others, you can harness it to become more collaborative, more inspirational, and more empowered.

Services Provided

As your Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) I provide:

  • tailored 360 workshops to explain more about ELI, capturing and discussing energy levels within your teams;

  • ELI 1-to-1 and group coaching debrief packages to help your team members unlock inner blocks, improve their stress reactions, increase their energy and develop their effectiveness, productivity and leadership further.

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Arrange a call to see how the ELI Assessment can improve your energy and productivity.