
Uncovering roles to improve performance

For Individuals

Step 1: The assessment

As your Belbin Team Roles Accredited coach I’ll connect you with the Belbin online assessment which takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. 

Once you complete your assessment, you will be asked to pick a minimum of 4 observers, who you normally work closely with, who will give their observational responses to your assessment.   

Why do the observers matter? To learn and understand ourselves better, we need to broaden our perspective – to look at ourselves through a new lens. We need to move beyond what we already know.  It’s important that we’re open to receiving new information and that we interpret it correctly, so we can act on it.

Step 2: The debrief

Once the results are in, I’ll guide you through a 1-to-1 Belbin debrief session. During this personalised session, we’ll dive deep into your results and help you understand more about your preferred team role behaviours.

As part of the debrief I will:

  • Partner with you to increase your self-awareness and your team strengths to best advantage and help you develop greater personal effectiveness.

  • Provide you with the information you need to progress further in your current role or formulate the next step on your career path and understand whether your desired career path is both viable and wise.

  • Conduct a training gap analysis to help you develop your team skills further.

“A good team leader treats members of a team like actors on a stage. There need to be exits and entrances. Not everyone is required to be on the stage at the same time.”

Meredith Belbin

Belbin Assessments

Belbin is one of the world’s most well-known practical tools for improving team performance.  It is based on the work on Dr Meredith Belbin whose research, recognised nine clusters of behaviours, given descriptive names, with strengths and weaknesses that contribute to the way a team operates.   

Belbin provides a framework and vocabulary to focus on your behavioural strengths and weaknesses and how you choose to interact in teams and understand your contributions to the team.

Your Belbin report will show you how you typically contribution in a team in terms of the nine Belbin Team Roles.  It offers advice and guidance on your preferences and how they might work best for you to cultivate your talents further.

For Business

In a complex, uncertain and fast-moving world, teams are the building blocks of organisation health – the key link between individual talent and business outcomes.  In short, building high performing teams should be amongst the key priorities of every organisation.

  • provide managers with rich insights into key behavioural strengths and preferences of their people and team culture, allowing them to get the best from each person in their teams, increasing employee engagement and productivity;

  • enable team members to understand their own and one another’s strengths and weaknesses and identify gaps in teams which need filling, providing ideas and discussion points that the team can use as a springboard;

  • make decisions about which individuals to recruit or promote;

The Belbin reports are an essential tool for team coaching, offering a new kind of ‘intelligence’ for managers, leaders and their teams to disseminate. They:

  • develop existing teams, maximise use of virtual teams and multi-function teams and diagnose business problems;

  • provide huge competitive advantage to help you select the right people to form optimised high-performance/project teams to execute project success;

  • help teams adapt and recover from change and reduce team conflict;

  • reduce conflict, depersonalise problems and focus on behaviours to avoid personal attacks which can often exacerbate conflict.

“99% of those who took a Belbin Team Roles assessment agree it helps teams work more effectively.”

Belbin, 2022

Belbin High-Performance Team Building Workshop

Developing and Understanding The Collective Strengths of Your Team

The 1 day or half day Belbin Team Building Workshop provides each team member with a real understanding of their own and others preferred team roles, and how they best like to contribute to the overall team efforts. This enables the team to work more effectively together and drive greater team dynamics.

The workshop is designed for any team, of between 6-20 people, who requires a deeper understanding of each other, and their preferred roles.


This Belbin Team Building Workshop will provide your team members with a better understanding of each other, increase communication and productivity, and ensure each member has a clearer understand of the collective strengths within their team.

Team members will be able to solve problems, utilising all team members to achieve the most effective result and act as one team, and work more closely together.

Workshop content

  • Defining teamwork;

  • Understanding the characteristics of Belbin Team Roles;

  • Appreciating Team Role dynamics;

  • Utilising Belbin Team Roles within the team;

  • Application of learning.

Arrange a call to see how Belbin can help your team work more effectively.