The Business Growth Coaching Programme

Businesses face challenges every day. The reason most businesses don’t work is because the owners do. They spend more time working in the business, rather than on the business.

  • When did you last stand back and take a fresh look at your business?

  • How has your vision evolved since you started?

  • Have you achieved what you hoped, or are there still milestones to reach?

  • When was the last time you invested in you and the strategic direction of your business and even your life?

  • Does something have to change?

  • What might you discover with a new perspective?


In this fast-paced business world, it's easy to get caught up in daily tasks and lose sight of your original vision. Remember why you started your journey. Are you living the dream that inspired your venture?

While wealth is a common goal, truly successful business owners know it's about more than just revenue. Business growth is a blend of expansion and stability, and it's essential to periodically reflect on your personal and business development.

Consider the financial and emotional investments you've made in your business. When was the last time you focused on your own development, strategic business advancement, or broader life goals? It might be time for a change.

This comprehensive programme is designed specifically for SME owners and their teams. It will support you to develop a clear vision for the future of your business, achieve your business objectives and enhance profitability. The programme includes an in-depth review of your strategy and goals, financial and growth planning, team development, and a focus on fostering measurable growth.

Benefits of a Coaching Approach

A coaching approach is incredibly beneficial for business owners looking to develop their business.

  • I bring a fresh, objective perspective that's often hard to find when you're immersed in the day-to-day running of your business. I am a confidential sounding board for your ideas, offering valuable feedback, guidance and support to help you think through things in a robust and rigorous way.

  • Through a collaborative effort, blending your industry insights with my extensive business and people experience, I will support you to navigate the complexities of business growth, from enhancing your business strategy and leadership skills to effective team development. My experience, knowledge and support can be instrumental to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and make well-informed decisions.

  • I will partner with you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement, supporting you to hone your skills and boost your confidence. I will provide accountability, ensuring you stay committed to your goals and consistently take steps towards achieving them.

At the core, I am your partner on the path to business success, providing the necessary support, insight, and encouragement to help your business grow.

Track Your Goals & Build New Sustainable Behaviours to Reach Your Most Successful Year

My programme offers an additional dynamic approach to enhance your coaching experience and business growth.

The multi-award-winning coaching portal, The Curve®, developed by New Level Results, not only demonstrates return on investment (ROI) but also empowers you, with my support, to craft a detailed business strategy. This will enable proficient development and execution of monthly goals and allow us, through visible progress indicators, to methodically chart and assess your progress at the close of each month, resulting in tangible behavioral transformation.

You're poised to experience real value and progress on your journey, helping you to further enhance your business growth & skills and develop sustainable new habits to reach your most successful year.

Are you ready for a transformative journey of self-discovery and business growth? Join this adventure and unleash your business growth!

“Prior to participating in this programme, my business strategy was vague, and I felt a sense of apprehension and worry about the upcoming year. However, with Alec's guidance, his emphasis on accountability, and his positive approach, I gained a newfound confidence in my business's future. Alec helped me establish a clear set of goals and objectives for the next 12 months. Remarkably, within just a few months of starting the programme, I saw tangible improvements in my business growth and profitability.”

Max, CEO & Business Owner, IT Provider, UK.

Are you prepared to unlock the full potential of your business? Get in touch with me to begin this transformative journey!